Thursday, October 02, 2008


Bird, plane, Parrot!

For the last few months I have been actively developing a set of products based on certificates, PKI, and PCI-compliance (credit card management). In the process of naming my flagship product ParrotPKI I decided that I was going to have all of them under the same umbrella company, and thus, Parrot Labs was formed. Further, I'm pleased to announce that earlier this week I finally launched the Parrot Labs website.

I'm not terribly proud of the website, but like they say, if you aren't embarrassed by your 1.0 release then you waited to long to ship it. I know why most companies don't adopt this kind of technology, and it's principally related to cost. I've been doing this stuff for years, I get it, and I can make it simple and efficient. That's the bottom line. I've always loved working with security software and now hopefully in the future I will be doing it as my full-time job. So, if your in the tech community and at some point you plan on issuing certificates for any number of reasons, give Parrot Labs a call.

Happy Very Late (yet again) Birthday!
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