Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Seriously, I'm not dead

I have been woefully negligent yet again with updating this damn thing. Here's a whirlwind update of the last several weeks.

First and foremost, I have been shitting code. I mean that almost literally. The pace at work has picked up substantially based on certain quarterly goals which are connected to contractual obligations with some very, very large companies. If you really want the details of these projects, because they are kick ass, you'll have to talk to me personally; I am legally forbidden to put any of them in writing or name any of the companies involved.

On a closely related note, I have essentially started working for a startup company. The startup is going to be owned and run by Heidi, so I'm just kind of getting in on the ground floor. She needed a comprehensive website as well as management functionality to be available via the web, so I hit the ground running about three weeks ago and I haven't looked back. Between startup and regular job I have been working about 60 hours a week.

Two weeks ago I drove out to New Mexico with Phil for a little mini-pseudo-vacation. Mini because it only lasted the weekend for me. Pseudo because it was Phil taking a trip to the mountains to study for his basic science board exams, which he is taking today as I write this. Let's all wish him luck. His good friend Margot joined us for the weekend, which was delightful as expected. For the record, yes I do think of an ideal vacation as three smart people sitting around the table with one reading, one looking over anatomy, and one analyzing post-structuralist literary theory. I heart smart people. The trip even involved another set of somewhat pleasant yet awkward interactions with Phil's parents. I am thoroughly convinced the world they inhabit is not the world I inhabit. Pictures to follow.

Switched over to LA Fitness this last weekend in favor of Pure Fitness. This isn't a major bullet point, but it's something I've been meaning to do for a while now. Phil has a membership with LA Fitness and now this means Sunday morning starts with a brisk morning workout instead of the usual "lie around and wait for things to happen" approach that I am much more familiar with.

I seriously need a new RPG to play. I am craving one. Craving one like a heroin addict craving his next fix. I can't remember the last time I played an engrossing one, and I absolutely refuse to chalk this one up to adulthood or "growing out of them." Fuck that. I started playing Tales of Symphonia again because I never finished it and I barely got into it. It's better than I remember it, mostly because I remember it sucking badly. This time it doesn't seem to be sucking badly. Hooray!

I have earnestly resumed my effort to gain some weight. I have literally been eating like a pig attempting to keep my caloric intake around where I think it needs to be. If it goes any higher I am going to give myself a complex about how much I'm eating. Restructured my workout plan in an attempt to introduce some change. Wish me luck and we'll see how it goes.

OK, back to work for me. There's one metric-fuck-ton of code that needs to get written.

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