Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Obligatory Self Examination

As of November 10th Liquid Nonsense celebrated its one year anniversary. It seems to be the custom in blogland that once a year mark has crossed you write down your thoughts after going back over some of the original posts. Let's recap some of the major things that have happened in the year:

First Full Time professional career-oriented position as a software engineer.

Looking to get a house.

Avoided graduate study for a while.

Met Phil.

Tons of movies.

Sleep. Precious, precious sleep.

Went to China and got my black belt.

Went to Michigan for Margot and Adam's Wedding.

Last December's housing fiasco.

Financial freedom.

Visiting Biosphere 2.

Formally got into Photography and started my own online gallery.

Finally finished my last physics course, all that stood between me and graduation.

Plenty of other crazy stuff that either isn't germane to write about, or I can't remember it.

I've done a particularly lousy job of updating this thing lately. I'm going to be a wuss and claim that it has to do with the average level of business that I maintain in my life. All the work, workouts, and whatnot have more than accounted for the majority of my spare time. I'm going to attempt to get back into the swing of updating this thing either everyday or every few days. Let's just see if it happens.

Friday, November 10, 2006


You know your training is effective when... an idiot you fall in the shower... not regular fall, but through the curtain and out onto the bathroom floor style fall, and somehow you manage to have enough body awareness to position yourself in the air as to avoid both the hamper and the toilet and catch yourself on finger tips with chin tucked as to avoid hitting the head on tile.

Shower 0, me 1.

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