Thursday, November 15, 2007
It's been a while...

Since I've had a legitimate battle wound.
Most of my martial arts workouts these days are purely sparring. I do the group class and work on the usual martial artsy things, and then for my own private instruction it's basically just fighting. I don't remember when it was specifically anymore, but at some point I stopped sparring with gloves, and at this point the thought of having to use them is kind of terrible.
Seth and I have some great matches, but tonight's was wicked. We were both "on." At one point Seth and I locked each other in close. I think he grabbed me, I think I swung for his head, I think he popped me in the face. I'm not sure as it was something of a blur. All I know is that one second he had my arm, the next he managed to get another one underneath me, and proceeded to shoulder throw me to the ground. In the air I tried to grab his throat, and when I landed I tried to kick out one of his legs. Next thing I know he has one of my legs pinned, is essentially kneeling over me... and punches my head into the ground. A new student, who used to train for a few years I believe in Tang Su Do, was watching. He had a sort of wide-eyed, oh-my-god-this-is-really-fucking-cool expression on his face as he watched us tear into each other. It's always funny watching other students from other schools see what we mean by black belt full-contact sparring.
Either way, the punch I received while prone left a cut underneath my eye and is starting to turn the area a yellow-ish color. I'm going to have a fun explanation at work tomorrow.