Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Brownies and Murder

So, today was day four of this crazy diet. The cravings have finally subsided as the book said they would. Yesterday afternoon I feel I might actually have killed someone in cold blood for a brownie. I very rarely indulge in cookies, brownies, cake, and most of the related stuff, but let me tell you, giving up carbohydrates is fucking hard. Maybe it's just me since my usual diet doesn't include a lot of meat and cheese, but these last three days have been really hard. There was actually a point I almost broke down in the grocery store.... definitely not my proudest moment.

Today though my energy levels are almost back to where they should be and I feel like a functional human being again. On Saturday afternoon Friday (end of no carb period) felt like a lifetime away. Now, Friday seems like a fairly insignificant goal since my hormones are starting to reset themselves. Hooray for the human body's ability to self-regulate.

Since I don't have the energy yet to continue working out I've been watching stuff in my spiffy home theater. Since Saturday afternoon I think I've watched something like seven hours of Arrested Development, Napoleon Dynamite, The Departed, and several episodes of the Venture Brothers. I'm not sure when the last time was I camped out like this. Either way, it's been a pleasant change of pace. A little wine, cheese, and a movie night in to relax.

I just finished watching The Departed actually and I somehow have to be able to sleep. The movie has me ridiculously tense (more wine?) and I'm not sure how I'm going to pull this one off. Either way, I need to crash so I can be functional in the morning.

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oh, how i can relate to this!
check it out: http://madametam.blogspot.com/2007/05/euro-nights.html
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