Friday, April 07, 2006


"Man-scaping" or "The Gayest Thing I've Ever Done"

I promised myself that once I had a legitimitely being job that I would use a small portion of my income to engage in various frivilous activities purely for the sake of decadence. For instance, getting a membership at Massage Envy for weekly rub downs, or buy some nicer clothes. Some things purely for comfort, others so I can maintain my membership as a homosexual. I hardly ever buy new clothes, but I enjoy the accessories. Teeth are kind of like an acessory, so I decided to shell out back in December to have them whitened. The results were pretty good and through the course of the one-day treatment (FYI: Brite Smile rocks) I learned that I have naturally dark, but now whiter teeth.

Earlier today I decided once again to employ 21st century technology for my own vanity. I've taken care of initial consultation and setting up of an appointment to have the hair from the mid-line on my back, down to my ass, lasered off. It isn't that I'm particularly self-consciouss about my ass hair, after all, it is a part of me. I just feel that not having it would be equally worthwhile.

Regardless, on Tuesday afternoon I will be employing the power of an alexandrite core laser to super-heat the hair follicles on my lower half.

I'm also half-assedly playing with the idea of trying one of those sunless tanning products my friends have mentioned. Tanned, shiny teeth, and hairless ass. Yes, that is sufficiently gay enough.

Just think how fast you'll move under the water now!
Is the hair salvageable? Are you going to save it and mail it out with Xmas cards?

And just don't end up like the North Scottsdale crazy-ass Barbies, with the orange tan and the scary teeth, okay? I realize you won't have the 52FFF breasts but still, as a friend I say be careful. :-D
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