Sunday, December 04, 2005

Once again I'm in new surroundings. These last couple of days have been absolutely insane attempting to get everything at the towers finalized as well as preparing the house. Needless to say, I'm pretty damned exhausted from the seemingly endless car trips between the Towers and here.

I'm still debating on whether or not tonight is going to be my first real night here at the new digs. I honestly doubt it since I didn't really bring any of the "essentials," but I could always just go grab them. The other key problem is the severe lack of internet.

Lack of internet? Then how am I writing this from the place?? Because at least one of my neighbors has an unprotected wireless network and I'm just "borrowing" a little bandwidth to get basic stuff accomplished.

Speaking of getting stuff accomplished. I sent various email messages out to some of my professors asking about letters of recommendation and none of them have responded yet. I'm going to spend the next few days harping on them to make sure that everything gets done. I really hate nagging professors when I could be accomplishing something else.

This has been more haphazard than usual, but I also spent the day moving heavy shit. I'll see what I can do about updating this thing slightly more often.

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